
postheadericon Bosch BP350 Telescoping Pole with 1/4-Inch by 20-Inch laser Mount

Save On Bosch BP350 Telescoping Pole with 1/4-Inch by 20-Inch laser Mount On Sale

you looking for inexpensive Bosch BP350 Telescoping Pole with 1/4-Inch by 20-Inch laser Mount?

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Bosch BP350 Telescoping Pole with 1/4-Inch by 20-Inch laser Mount and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Bosch BP350 Telescoping Pole with 1/4-Inch by 20-Inch laser Mount Overview

Includes Telescoping Pole w/ 1/4-in x 20-in Laser Mount - BP350, Tool Mount, Mount Clamp

Bosch BP350 Telescoping Pole with 1/4-Inch by 20-Inch laser Mount Specification

  • Complete Laser Tool Positioning System. Pole, clamp and tool mount are all included.
  • Swiveling Threaded Mount (1/4-20) for attachment of line or point layout laser
  • Quick-Set Clamp. Easy placement at any virtually any height between floor and ceiling
  • Accepts optional Bosch WM1 Universal Mount and its microfine height adjustment system and has a Pole Range of 4.6 - 11.5-Feet.
  • Fast and Easy Set-Up. Rotation of pole sections sets positions. Also features Anti-Slip Surface on-Feet and Ball-Jointed Head Plate for secure placement at floor and ceiling.

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