
postheadericon Hitachi C12FDH 15 Amp 12-Inch Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Laser

Discount Hitachi C12FDH 15 Amp 12-Inch Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Laser Online

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Hitachi C12FDH 15 Amp 12-Inch Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Laser Features

  • 12-inch dual bevel compound miter saw with laser marker
  • Miter range 52 degrees right and left; bevel range 48 degrees right and left; 15 Amp; 4,000 rpm
  • Micro bevel adjustment knob for fine tuning bevel angles; larger pivoting fence raises to 5-1/8 inches for cutting crown molding
  • Includes TCT 32-tooth saw blade, dust bag, vise assembly, box wrench, hex bar wrench and holder assembly
  • Measures 24.6 by 30.7 by 27 inches (W by D by H); 46.3 pounds; 5-year warranty

Hitachi C12FDH 15 Amp 12-Inch Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Laser Overview

Includes 12-in Dual Bevel Miter Saw with Laser Marker - C12FDH, 12-in 32T TCT Saw Blade - 726100, Dust Bag - 322955, Vice Assembly - 323677, Box Wrench - 985051, Hex Bar Wrench - 944458

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