
postheadericon Johnson Level 40-6005 230-Feet Laser Distance Measure

Best Cheap Johnson Level 40-6005 230-Feet Laser Distance Measure For Sale

you looking for cheap Johnson Level 40-6005 230-Feet Laser Distance Measure?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Johnson Level 40-6005 230-Feet Laser Distance Measure and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Johnson Level 40-6005 230-Feet Laser Distance Measure Overview

Great way to get any measurement quickly and easely just 1,2,3 turn the unit on press the measure button and record your measurement. This high end unit stores 20 measurements sequentially so you dont even have anything to write down when measureing multiple dimentions. Excelent for one person measureing with a compact size that fits easily into a tool belt or pocket. This unit has a extra large 230-Feet measuring range and a plus or minus 1/16th of 1-Inch at 130-Feet and is ideal for material and projest estimates and biding.The kit includes Laser distance measure soft sided carrying pouch safety strap 2 AA alkaline batteries and instruction manual with warenty card.

Johnson Level 40-6005 230-Feet Laser Distance Measure Features

  • Acurate to 230-Inch with a plus or minus 1/16 -Inch
  • With units of measure as follows inches (decimal 1/8, 1/16, 1/32) Feet, Feet and Inchs Metric
  • Measuring types single distance, Min/max, continuous measuring countdown timer and stackout function
  • Caculated and indirect measuring Addition / subtraction area Volume, 3 Pythagoras functions 2 point pythagoras 3 point pythagoras 3 point partial pythagoras
  • High speed micro processor that caculates quickly

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