
postheadericon Empire Level EM81.24 Professional Magnetic Heavy Duty Aluminum I Beam Level, 24-Inch

Cheap Empire Level EM81.24 Professional Magnetic Heavy Duty Aluminum I Beam Level, 24-Inch Online

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Empire Level EM81.24 Professional Magnetic Heavy Duty Aluminum I Beam Level, 24-Inch Specification

  • True Blue vials are accurate to within 0.0005-Inch per-Inch in all 10 level and plumb working positions, made in USA
  • Super strong anodized I-beam frame
  • Strong holding magnetic edge
  • Shock absorbing end caps
  • Top reading window

Empire Level EM81.24 Professional Magnetic Heavy Duty Aluminum I Beam Level, 24-Inch Overview

This True Blue Level from Empire is built using their exclusive Advanced Concentric Molding (ACM) technology, which allows the most exacting tolerances possible, within 0.0005" per inch in all 10 level and plumb positions. Measuring 24" long, it has an anodized aluminum frame with milled edges for accuracy, dropped edges for added rigidity, and a strong magnetic holding edge for secure surface placement. Its blue fluid is easier to read than the traditional yellow. There is a top read window for clear, overhead viewing. Get it today and experience the True Blue Difference.

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