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Cheap Combination Professional Laser Level and Tape Measure Online

you looking for low-priced Combination Professional Laser Level and Tape Measure?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Combination Professional Laser Level and Tape Measure and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

Now the prices down even more urgent look at all the other check prices before the end of time.

Combination Professional Laser Level and Tape Measure Overview

This Laser Level Tape Measure Pro is perfect for the handyman around the house! The Laser Level Tape Measure Pro is actually a 2 in 1 tool as it is a laser level and a tape measure. The laser level can make both horizontal and vertical laser lines. The bottom features a tripod attachment for the most accurate results. It can actually go 360 degrees around, so you can level a whole room in one shot. The laser level can even be placed in the corner of a room to level shelves or speaker stands. Laser level can change size also - On the bottom you will find adjustable magnetic legs. That's only the half of it!! The tape measure part of the laser level extends to 25 feet with a 1 inch wide stainless steel blade. The laser level tape measure also features a belt clip so you can add it to a tool belt. Batteries are INCLUDED and you get a bonus extra set!! So the next time you walk past that crooked picture in the dining room, think of the laser level tape measure pro and get those nails straight this time around!

Combination Professional Laser Level and Tape Measure Specification

  • Laser Level - Tape Measure Pro
  • Includes a 360 degree laser level and a 25 foot tape measure
  • Laser level can be attached to a tripod and levels horizontally and vertically
  • Includes adjustable magnetic legs to change size if necessary
  • Tape measure has a 1 inch stainless steel blade and a belt clip

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