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Zircon MultiScanner i520 Center-Finding Stud Finder with Metal and AC Electrical Scanning Specification

  • Locates the edges and center of wood or metal studs up to 1 1/2-Inches (38 mm) deep
  • Scans for metal and live AC wires
  • Easy-to-read LCD display, audio tone, and the patented SpotLite Pointing System indicate stud center
  • WireWarning detection indicates the presence of live, unshielded electrical wiring up to 2-Inches (51 mm) deep
  • Have questions? Need more information? Call the Zircon Customer Service department at 1-800-245-9265, Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm PST. We'll be happy to help!

Zircon MultiScanner i520 Center-Finding Stud Finder with Metal and AC Electrical Scanning Overview

Patent pending CenterVision technology finds the stud center in 1 step. Finds the center and edges of studs and joists, finds copper pipes (and other nonferrous metal) up to 1 1/2'' (38mm) deep, finds rebar (ferrous metal) in concrete up to 3'' (76mm) deep, and detects and traces hot AC wires. Exclusive, patented SpotLite Pointing System shines a bright beam of light over target center.

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