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DEWALT DW089K Self Leveling 3 Beam Line Laser, Black Overview

The DEWALT DW089k Line Laser features multiple design enhancements to improve productivity on the jobsite. The DW089K is ideal for professionals tasked with residential and commercial applications such as installing cabinets, drop ceilings, chair rails or doors and windows. Unlike many line lasers on the market, the DW089K features a second plumb line that forms a 90-Degree intersecting line on the floor and ceiling. This third vertical beam allows contractors to use the tool for layout applications without the need for a second laser, saving time and allowing users to be as productive as possible. For commercial wall layout applications, the DW089K has a track clearance of over 1-3/4-Inch, which means there is no need for additional accessories to raise the laser over drywall track. This Line Laser also has a micro adjust knob for easy alignment, a metal roll cage for durability, and an integrated pivot bracket and universal wall mount that is ideal for acoustical ceiling installation. The micro adjust knob is especially important in that it allows users to steadily adjust the 90-Degree layout lines in small increments without the need to nudge the laser to hit a specific mark. For improved visibility, the beam on the DW089K is two-times brighter than the beam on DEWALT's current line laser. The brighter beam provides increased visibility over long distances as well as in direct sunlight. Accurate within 1/8 of an inch at 30-Feet, the DW089K allows contractors to feel confident in their results when using this product. To alleviate the difficulty professionals often experience when they try to access control panels on the rear of existing units.

DEWALT DW089K Self Leveling 3 Beam Line Laser, Black Specification

  • 3 Beam Line Laser to aid in 90-Degree layout
  • 2x Brighter diode to increase visibility in bright job site conditions
  • Built-in magnetic pivot bracket mounts easily on metal surfaces
  • Accurate to +/- 1/8-Inch at 30-Feet for level applications
  • 1-button operation and control panel for ease of use

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