
postheadericon M-D Building Products 92379 24-Inch SmartTool with Module And Case

Save On M-D Building Products 92379 24-Inch SmartTool with Module And Case Online Shop

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M-D Building Products 92379 24-Inch SmartTool with Module And Case Overview

M-D Building Products 92379 24" SmartTool Electronic Level M-D Building Products 92379 24" SmartTool Electronic Level Features: Digitally displays degrees, percent slope and pitch to 1/10 degree accuracy Extremely durable, it will keep its accuracy for years with push button calibration Features audio sound at level and plumb Includes standard 9 volt battery 24" length

M-D Building Products 92379 24-Inch SmartTool with Module And Case Features

  • 24-inch electronic level; measures in degrees, percent slope, and pitch
  • Measures all angles in 360-degree range; automatic shutoff after 5 minutes
  • Aluminum frame for lightweight strength
  • Includes 1 level and case; 9-volt battery not included
  • 24-inches long; 1-year warranty against manufacturing defects

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