
postheadericon Swanson Tool TL043M 9-Inch Heavy-duty Magnetic Torpedo Level

Buy Swanson Tool TL043M 9-Inch Heavy-duty Magnetic Torpedo Level For Sale

you looking for cheap Swanson Tool TL043M 9-Inch Heavy-duty Magnetic Torpedo Level?

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Swanson Tool TL043M 9-Inch Heavy-duty Magnetic Torpedo Level Overview

The Savage magnetic torpedo level is a do-it-all level designed for every tradesman, carpenter and do it yourself enthusiast. The Savage level offers a precision machined, solid billet aluminum frame that houses four leveling vials at 60-Degree, 90-Degree, 45-Degree and 30-Degree (the 30-Degree vial is perfect for "kink-proofing" pipes). Swanson's exclusive sealed vial caps eliminate vial movement and the bright view milled vial windows capture and reflect light into each vial for improved readability. In addition, the Savage level provides and extra wide v-groove that accepts round stock and pipe up to 10-Inch in Diameter. The outer edge also features laser-etched SAE and metric rules.

Swanson Tool TL043M 9-Inch Heavy-duty Magnetic Torpedo Level Specification

  • Bright view machined vial surrounds
  • Rare earth magnets for savage grip strength
  • Machined billet aluminum
  • Offset scale for 30-Degree and 45-Degree

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