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Best Cheap DEWALT DW0730 Laser Target Card Web Store

you looking for low price DEWALT DW0730 Laser Target Card?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells DEWALT DW0730 Laser Target Card and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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DEWALT DW0730 Laser Target Card Features

  • Aids in locating the laser by enhancing the visibility of the beam
  • Magnetic base for attaching to ceiling grid or steel studs
  • Magnetic base easily adheres to drop ceiling grid or steel studs
  • Dimensions: 9 by 5 by 1 inches (WxHxD); weighs 1.3 ounces
  • Lightweight and easy to use

DEWALT DW0730 Laser Target Card Overview

Designed to be used with a rotary laser so you can always see the beam--even in very sunny conditions--the DW0730 from DEWALT helps you achieve more precise results when planning or executing carpentry projects like steel framing projects or installing a drop ceiling. Featuring a magnetic base that easily adheres to drop ceiling grip or steel studs, this handy tool is both lightweight and easy to use.

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