
postheadericon Stanley 77-152 SP2 Single Point Torpedo Laser

Discount Stanley 77-152 SP2 Single Point Torpedo Laser Online

you looking for cheaper Stanley 77-152 SP2 Single Point Torpedo Laser?

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Stanley 77-152 SP2 Single Point Torpedo Laser Overview

Using the 360 swiveling base and the laser chalkline makes it easy-to-level and layout for both vertical and horizontal indoor jobs. Special lens for laser chalkline effect. Reference ridge built into side of level allows easy alignment without a height offset. 90 rotating mount for walls and floors, fitted with 2 pins for attaching to plaster or drywall. 2 precision vials - 1 level and a bullseye for plumb. Solid machined die-cast base for stability and strength. Magnetic base. Special base leveling adjustment for maximum leveling accuracy. Includes: Laser torpedo, laser chalkline, wall/stud and floor rotary multimount, batteries, and instruction manual.

Stanley 77-152 SP2 Single Point Torpedo Laser Specification

  • Features a Special Lens for 90 degree reference beams
  • Laser reference ridge on side of unit allows easy alignment without a height offset
  • Two precision vials, one level and one circulare plumb vial
  • Die case aluminum base features built in magnets for hands free use on steel surfaces
  • 90 Day Factory Warranty

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